Minecraft Ps3 Skin Pack 1 Free Download

Minecraft Ps3 Skin Pack 1 Free Download

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Minecraft on PS3 supports split-screen play for up to four players, and offers a heap of extra cool stuff for you to download, like specially crafted skin-packs, console-only competitive modes, mini games and more! Available as a physical disc or digitally from the PlayStation store.

BitMinecraft Ps3 Skin Pack 1 Free Download

Minecraft on ps3 shouldn't give us the option to buy texture packs, skins etc. They all should be free. The game is old and it came first on pc then on xbox 360. I get really mad when companies get greedy just like rockstar with gta v.

I mean it was an xbox exclusive, it received alot of good stuff then it came on ps3 and now they are trying to make profit out of textures and skins. Trust me the ps4/xbox one version will receive alot of updates new items etc and you will have to buy items again for the same graphics as the older consoles. I say 'have' because who likes the default 32 bit look style of minecraft? Now what i'm wondering is why do i have to pay for something that is free on pc and that i myself can download and install thousand of mods and textures for free?

Skin Pack Free Download

When i start a topic like this i get flamed and called bad names by mostly little kids, i do it because is not fair for all of us, for the gaming community. I own a pc version heavily modded but i play mostly on ps3 and xbox with my friends. Leave your thoughts below on this matter.Have a nice day minecrafters! Quote from Minecraft on ps3 shouldn't give us the option to buy texture packs, skins etc.

They all should be free. The game is old and it came first on pc then on xbox 360. I get really mad when companies get greedy just like rockstar with gta v. I mean it was an xbox exclusive, it received alot of good stuff then it came on ps3 and now they are trying to make profit out of textures and skins. Trust me the ps4/xbox one version will receive alot of updates new items etc and you will have to buy items again for the same graphics as the older consoles. I say 'have' because who likes the default 32 bit look style of minecraft?

Now what i'm wondering is why do i have to pay for something that is free on pc and that i myself can download and install thousand of mods and textures for free? When i start a topic like this i get flamed and called bad names by mostly little kids, i do it because is not fair for all of us, for the gaming community. I own a pc version heavily modded but i play mostly on ps3 and xbox with my friends. Leave your thoughts below on this matter.Have a nice day minecrafters! Only some skin packs are free. (Birthday skin pack, Halloween skin pack etc.). Quote from You guys must be fanboys.

Please keep whining about how it's such a horrible concept to pay for something someone worked on. If you want free skins and textures then go to PC.

Only reason texture packs and skins are free on PC is because those were, and say it with me now, community made. And I suppose it's 'greedy' of them too to ask you to click on an adly link (or whatever one they use now) for a small donation for their efforts and time. It's fair and you accepted this when you bought it on a console. Once you've downloaded skins/texture packs, you should not have to access them from the PS store menu. After you've selected a game to load, a menu appears with the World Name and Seed Number; Here you can select Game Mode, Difficulty and below that is Texture Packs with square, colored icons that represent the available textures. Navigating left/right should allow you to choose which texture pack to load- if you've purchased it, you simply highlight/select it before choosing 'Load'; if it's not purchased you get the option to try it but cannot save it. The skins are accessed from within the game by bringing up the menu with the 'start' button, choosing 'Help & Options' and select 'Change Skin' and navigating that menu to select available skins.

The reasons they are not free is you are having to pay 4j studios to port the texture pack. The mods are free not free on the PC version. You just choose not to donate to the developer of that mod for their time. Also for the skins. There is a thing call fair use. If you create the skin for your own use you don't have to pay for it.

But since Sony/Microsoft and 4j are making the skins to give to someone else they are having to pay a license to the company/person that owns that intellectual property. I think the company is Jinx that makes plushies. They want to make plushies for all the Minecrack guys. Which would be fine except some of them use premade character skins ie SethBling as Mario. So they would actually have to pay a license fee to Nintendo to make a Mario Plushie and put Sethbling on the tag. So before you yell like an idiot, that everything should be free, you have to look at the things are you are actually calling free are stolen property/time and effort, that you aren't willing to pay for. Nothing in life is free.

Minecraft Ps3 Skin Pack 1 Free Download

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One of the more frequent type of emails we have received over the years since we have been online is from married couples, where one of the spouses has left the other one for another partner. The one spouse who has been left behind then starts praying to God to bring their spouse back home. The pain adultery causes in a marriage relationship is extreme and traumatic, as a broken heart is one of the worst kinds of pain you can go through. For those of you who have been on the receiving end of adultery, you know exactly what I am talking about. You feel like your whole world has been shattered and that you will never be able to trust your spouse again, even though you are asking God to bring your mate back to you as you cannot stand the pain of that broken heart.

For those of you who are still praying to the Lord for the restoration of your marriage, below is a powerful testimony we have just received from a woman by the name of Crystal. Crystal had what she thought was the perfect marriage when all of a sudden her husband tells her one day he wants out of the marriage, as he had been having an affair with a woman online. As you will see when reviewing her testimony below, Crystal was determined she was not going to lose her good marriage over something like this, so she stormed the throne of God asking Him to move to bring her husband back. Here is her word-for-word testimony, and then I will point out a few key things she did to get God to move on this extreme situation. My name is Crystal and I’m here to let you know that with man it may seem impossiblebut with Almighty God.NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE I made a promise to God and to myself that WHEN he restored my marriage, I would testify and tell the world.I would share EVERY single detail no matter how shameful and embarrassing it would be, in the hope and knowledge that I would someday be able to bring some kind of hope for a hurting wife or husband who would’ve been going through what I once was. I’ll try to be as brief as possible but I really don’t want to leave any detail out.no matter how small, because it may be the very thing God wants to use to inspire and encourage a stander or prodigal spouse.

I don’t want to apportion blame too much here but suffice it to say we had some in-law issues which contributed greatly to our demise.but that is another story and I want to concentrate on how God showed up and showed off in the mist of my situation. Today is March 16th 2011. My husband of 1 year and 5 months left me on November 30th, 2010.BUT. All thanks and all praise be to Almighty God, he is now back home and we are rebuilding a marriage that from all counts and to the naked eye in the natural realm was dead.

As far as I could see we were the perfect couplewent out together.stayed home togetherlaughed, joked.we were like two peas in a podof course we had our regular marital problems.no marriage is perfect.in addition to the above we also. Argued and sometimes told each other some harsh words.LIKE EVERY OTHER COUPLEit isn’t right but it happens.

In spite of all this, I believed he loved me just as much as I loved himyou could imagine my surprise and heart break when one day after a short disagreementand I mean short.lasting no more that a few minutes.my beloved husband packed his clothes and walked out of my life. All this happened on Nov 30th 2010.I held off from calling him because I was still upset and I figured I didn’t do him any harm.he was the one that stepped out in our marriage and on our marriage.ours wasn’t a physical stepping as in outside sex.it was an on-going 5 month relationship on the internet, with someone he had been previously involved with. The days went by and he didn’t call so on December 5th 2010.I called him.he refused to take my calls so I texted him only to be told that he wasn’t interested in me and I should go on with my life.that I should never call or text him again.that was like a dagger through my heartI felt as though someone had literally ran a knife straight through my stomach and was twisting it repeatedly.but that isn’t the worse yet. I persisted in calling him that same day and eventually he picked up the phonehe was as cold as iceI felt frightened even listening to himhe told me.I NEVER LOVED YOUI AM SORRY WE GOT MARRIED.I FELT TRAPPED IN THIS MARRIAGE.I DON’T LOVE YOU LIKE A MAN SHOULD LOVE A WOMAN.THE FEELINGS I HAVE FOR YOU IS THAT OF A “GOOD” FRIENDI DON’T WANT TO BE WITH YOU AND YOU SHOULD GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE.I’M NOT COMING BACK.

I have never felt pain like I did then in my entire life.it is amazing when you are down on luck how quickly you remember that GOD does exists. I was a regular church goer and I tithed but I still didn’t have that personal relationship with God.well God has a way of getting our attention in ways unimaginable.and he got mine. I cried DAILY AND HOURLYI felt all hope was gone.I mean how do you get someone to love you again when that person is saying I never loved you at all.YOU CANT.BUT GOD CAN I had built my life around my husband and now he was goneI felt like I lost the better part of me.I couldn’t eat.I couldn’t eat.I didn’t want to socialize and I forced myself to go to work.but God had a plan.even though all seemed lostGod was turning my situation around even as I was hurting.what the devil meant for evil God was turning around for good.

I enlisted the help of three persons.a Prophetess, an Apostle, and a church Pastor.these were all spiritual people I knewand strong men and women of GodI knew I wasn’t strong in my spirit and my faith was way less than even that of a mustard seed. I still cried every day but I also engaged in some radical and spiritual warfare for my husband.I spoke the word of God over my marriage EVERYDAY and I prayed hedges of thorns around my husband EVERYDAY.I pleaded the blood of Jesus over him and claimed my marriage in the name of Jesus. Remember I wasn’t rooted in God so my prayers wasn’t as flowing as other people but everyday I gain more and more strength and my faith began to soar.I prayed that God would soften my husband’s heart and remind him of the love we once sharedI asked God to send Godly people in his life to speak to him even when I couldn’t and God heard me. I think I either bought or borrowed every book on marriagewarfare.prayeryou name it.every website I could think of. And I just wrapped my husband up and prayed what ever pray I could even verbatim from some of those same books.I became like a one man army. At times the devil whispered in my ears and unbelief and doubt settled in.I would call my prayer warriors for encouragement and go to God crying and in a few hours would be right as rain and ready again to go up against the gates of hell for my boo. To make a long story shortSunday January 16th 2011.I got a text from my husband.who accidently had AGAIN on the 14th January 2011.told me he felt the same way and I should go on with my life.

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He said he wanted to talk and wanted to know if he could come by the househe wanted to know if I could forgive him for what he did and for us to try again at our marriage I had released my husband and my marriage to God and I knew God was going to do something. But I thought it would be perhaps a Hi hellohow are you.or perhaps a few weeks down the line he might drop in a call or something.I had no idea that MY GOD was bringing my husband home that day.that instant He told me that after he spoke to me on Thursday.he went to God himself and talked to him and asked him to speak and show him what he should do.he said from the time he said that everything just went crazy.everything he saw reminded him of me. When he went to sleep his dreams were constant replays of our life together.

He started thinking about stuff that happened before and after our marriage that were nothing short of miraculous. In short.God was speaking to him all along but he was too proud to just walk back and admit that he was wrong but he wanted to so much. He wanted to give our marriage a chance and he loved me and wanted to be with ME.

I give all the thanks and praise to God for what he didit doesn’t matter what your situation looks like.it doesn’t matter how impossible and dead it seemsit doesn’t matter what your husband or wife is planning.we plan but God is also planning and he works EVERYTHING out together for those that love the LORD. DO NOT GIVE UP.THE DEVIL AND EVEN YOUR OWN MIND IS GOING TO TRY TO TELL YOU TO MOVE ONLEAVE HIM/HER ALONEHE/SHE DOESN’T WANT YOU.THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO.THERE IS NO ONE THAT CAN HELP YOU NOW.DO NOT LISTENeven in your tears.cry out to God.when you don’t know what to say.just say JESUS.nothing moretears is a language God understands and he is going to work it out.

This isn’t every single detail of what happened there are parts missingbut my short journey has been nothing but incredible and miraculousbut I want you to know that with God ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE Be encouraged Notice several key things Crystal did to get God to move on her behalf. The first thing she did was to fully surrender the entire matter into God’s hand. Notice she said she had faith less than the size of a mustard seed when she first started to approach the Lord for His help. As we have showed you in our article titled, the Bible tells us that faith the size of a mustard seed will move mountains. This means that you do not have to have large amounts of faith with the Lord to get the show going with Him. God will take whatever level of faith you are operating at with Him and then move to help you out with your current situation as long as you are directly seeking after His help and are willing to fully surrender the entire matter into His hands. The next thing she did right was to enlist the aid of three powerful prayer warriors to help her with her prayers to the Lord.

This is what is called the prayer of agreement. We already have an article on how powerful of a strategy this is with the Lord. The title of this article is, 3. Also notice she went into a very heavy seeking mode by searching out every good book she could find on marriage, prayer, and spiritual warfare. The Bible says to “seek” and then you will find what you are looking for. And this woman went into a very heavy seeking mode.

I believe when God sees this kind of intense seeking activity, He is really moved, and sometimes that is what will get Him to move to answer the prayer. Another thing she did when she went on the offensive was to plead the blood of Jesus around the situation. If you have a spouse that has left you for another person, it would be our recommendation to plead the blood of Jesus around them, and then plead the blood of Jesus against any demons who are trying to get in the middle of this, along with pleading the blood of Jesus directly against the person they are having the affair with.

All in all, as you read her incredible testimony, the thing that stands out is her fierce determination that she was not going to let her marriage go, and that she would take a hold of God and keep praying to Him until He brought her husband back home to her. We want to personally thank Crystal for allowing us to release her testimony on our site, as it will help show others that God can move to restore broken marriages, no matter how hopeless things may look in the natural. Lisa - July 21, 2018 at 6:08 pm Hi my Name is Lisa, I need prayer warriors to pray for my husband and our marriage. We haven’t talked in several months. Our marriage seemed fine.we had our ups and downs like all couples do. The day we got approved for a home loan he blew up and shut me out.

After a month of him ignoring me I left. When I did he changed the locks and said he wanted a divorce. He hadn’t talked to me since. He won’t discuss reconciliation or divorce. I had been praying for his salvation for months before all this happened.

I feel Satan is trying to destroy our marriage to keep my husband from God. Please pray for him and our marriage!!!! Desiree - July 18, 2018 at 2:12 pm Hi, My situation is a bit complicated. I have been separated for 4 months now. I was the one who left, I took my one year old daughter with me. I left because my husband was very critical of me, yelled a lot and I basically got to the point where i did not feel appreciated.

To tell you the truth, it;’s the third time that I am walking out and he has always come back. I fear this time he may not as he has indicated that he will never come back and the biggest thing is, he has actually moved on to someone else. I realized it happened right after I left, so I am almost sure that this relationship was somewhere in the background and came to light when I left. You may ask yourself why would I want this marriage restored? I am not even sure myself. I feel like my husband was hurt that i left him and cast himself wholly and souly in this relationship to kind of bury his hurt and pain of me leaving. He was married before with 4 kids, by the way.

I do want to be reconciled as I realize that I have done things to push him away and make him feel like he does not want to save it. I am deeply sorry for all the hurt I have caused him and I think I spent too much of my marriage complaining instead of appreciating him more. I am praying that he comes to his senses and that the Lord touches hiim as I am praying for him daily. He needs the lord himself as he does have abusive ways. Any advice for me?

SHould I just move on and maybe wait for a divorce or what? Amy Johnson - August 1, 2018 at 5:48 pm Hi, I have a similar situation. He doesn’t have another partner but is reaching out to his ex-girlfriend. He is cold to me, and tells me we won’t work. He yells at me sometimes.

I find Christian music lifts my spirit. I just seen him, we have two kids together. I had thoughts of moving on. I am waiting patiently, If he wants a divorce he will file. I am praying and “getting a life” of my own without any emotional or physical attachments to other men.

I deleted my Facebook, we used to share one, and I made my own, it was like sharks smelling blood in the water. I know I could move on with another man, but it is not what God wants. My husband is not a Christian but believes there is a God. Only God knows if I will save him. If I can not, he will file divorce papers, and I will accept them. I am patiently praying, jamming to Christian music, and staying kind.

When you feel so angry and want to let him know turn that music on girl. Listening to Hard Love by Need to Breath right now.

Sorrowfulofspirit - June 14, 2018 at 1:07 pm 2 years ago, my husband stumbled upon a movement called the Hebrew Israelites. SInce then he has become cold and callous toward me. He treats me like a possession, like I should be seen and not heard, or have any sort of opinion. He won’t listen when I talk to him about our marriage and how I feel. God gave me a word over 2 years ago that my husband would come into relationship with Christ.

I have prayed and prayed for this. I believe the devil brought this false religion is as a distraction or a ploy to stop God’s plan.

I have tried to fight the good fight but it’s been a long hard journey. I have to admit I’ve given up a few times. This article is very encouraging. I just don’t know where to start in fighting this spiritual battle for my marriage and for my husband when everything and everyone around me says leave him. Tessa Adelekan - July 30, 2018 at 7:52 pm I pray that you get close to God, build up your relationship with God, Put him first in all you do, desire to get in his presence. God is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit. 34:18) Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart (Ps.

37:4) And as you delight yourself in God you will find peace, contentment, love, acceptance and Joy in his presence. Which will give you the strength to wait as God moves on your behalf and changes your husband May God Bless, Do not give up hope! Andrew Hunt - June 13, 2018 at 12:25 pm Today marks 8 months married and 4 months separated, 3 months since we last saw each other, 2 months since we talked and 1 month since I declared God has restored my marriage. I need all the prayers I can get. I’d like to know where I can find an apostle and a prophet/prophetess.

I live in Missouri, but I feel hundreds of miles away from my beloved wife who told me its over and we’ll never be husband and wife again. I gave my heart and marriage to God on March 14 this year. I pray I’m welcomed home very quickly.

Please pray for myself and my wife Clare. Jenn - June 13, 2018 at 5:10 am I am just going through this. My husband of 17 years tells me he wants a divorce, then says he wants to work on things. He said he needed some time to pray and talk to God. I pray this is true and God opens his eyes. He didn’t come home last night like he said he would. Please pray for me and my 3 daughters.

They will be devastated. Pray God brings my husband to clarity. To leave the woman he has been seeing. The only reason I feel I don’t end it is for my girls. Please pray for me! Otalia Chapa - July 18, 2018 at 1:57 pm Keep praying and have faith. I went thru similar situation.

My husband of 16 years asked me for a divorce on May 2017. He was having an affair with a neighbor. He asked me to leave the house because he was the one paying the Bill’s. For 10 months I could not recognize the man I married in 2001. My 3 children and I had to witness him spending time at her house with her kids, even spending the night.


When he would come home he all I would get was rejection and verbal abuse. He even stopped giving me money. Didn’t care if we had food. I asked God to bring him to his senses and restore our marriage by God Almighty’s Grace, he has came to his senses. We placed our house for sale, he broke his relationship with her with me present. 4 months later we were still having problem, he continued to stay out late but promised it was with friends and not her.

The devil continues to try and break my marriage telling me I’ve been thru enough and he is never going to change. But I was being ungrateful not thanking God how far we have come. I was asking and asking God to continue to change my husband and was forgetting to thank him how much he has done for me. Last week I refused to let the devil win. I’m never leaving my husband.

I continue to pray for my husband and this week I’ve seen big changes day after day. He has promised not to go out again. And has begged me not to leave him. He is praying with me for our restoration.

GOD can make all things possible. Dont give up and keep praying. Philippians 4:6-7 “Don’t worry about anything, but in everything, through prayer and petition with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.”.

TIMOTHY L KITCHENS - May 22, 2018 at 12:17 pm Wow! This message by Crystal mirrors my situation in the bits of detailed she has described. I have cried so many days and nights because my wife tells me she does not life or love me. She has turned her kids and my son against me! I love all of the kids just like I love the one we have together. She has allowed her mom, sisters, and friends to influence her to be against me. Even when I tried to move on, God would not allow me to.

God has had me to pray for my wife! I love my wife and I want our marriage. This has given me the confirmation that all I have been doing to fight for my marriage are the right things.

I pray for her, I have other ministers praying for us, and I am constantly letting her know I love her despite all the other things. I believe God is working on it even now! Lyn - May 17, 2018 at 5:50 am Hi Brothers and Sisters in Christ!

Psalm 27:14 (NASB) Wait for the Lord; Be strong and let your heart take courage; Yes, wait for the Lord. I came upon this site a few months ago in despair for my marriage restoration and until now it still is a working progress of the Lord and he is perfecting it until the day he comes! Galatians 6:9 (NASB) Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary. Anyway, reading Crystal’s Testimony had encouraged me to seek the Lord closer and also through this site, PTL! I was led to another site and tools that are and still helps me in this journey i know we are all familiar with. Joshua - May 6, 2018 at 12:22 am Your words give me hope that anything is possible even the restoration of a broken marriage. I am the cheating husband for years my wife wanted me back, truth is I wanted to be back but I couldn’t get over the shame and guilt of stepping out of our circle.

I moved in with the other woman and we had a child together, all while still very much wishing I could go back to my wife. I actually tried twice to no avail, couldn’t handle the pressure and quickly returned to the other woman. The other woman knows that while I care for her she is not my heart.

Recently I came to God and now know that I don’t have to be ashamed anymore, or carry that guilt but my ex-wife has said she can’t trust me and is now seeing someone else. I know she still loves me and wants nothing more than to be with me but she can’t let herself be hurt again. Jesus has changed my life and I believe that he will restore our marriage and we will be able to share with the world our story of how God can do anything even save a wayward man like me.( I love you Tamra )and thank God that she came into my life. I will spend the rest of my life loving her the way I should have all along and I know how now because Jesus is with us! Thank you Crystal for sharing that even the most crazy relationship trials are nothing to the power of Jesus. JV - June 10, 2018 at 6:55 pm Wow, I could have written most of this about myself. I was the adulterer and caused enough pain to last anyone a lifetime.

God has since opened my eyes and heart and am working on restoring my marriage. I am ashamed of what I’ve done but wish for nothing more than to be the righteous person I once was and do right by my partner. Things are much better but there is still a long road ahead. I made a promise that once my marriage is fully restored, and it will be praise God, that I will leave testimonies wherever I can to the greatness of Almighty God. Hard part is having patience in His perfect timing. God Bless all that are standing for their marriage.

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More Grmcprxfreo Dvd Iso images. Windows 7 ISO Disc Image. Windows 7 SP1 Build 7601.19-1850 DVD ISO/UDF image. 3C45BCBB GRMCPRXFREO_EN_DVD Win 7 SP1 Professional.

They are retail versions but your legal OEM key should work just fine, just make sure you get the version that matches your key (if you have a home premium key you can't activate Pro or Ultimate and visa versa). The difference would be that your OEM version ships with extra things including the drivers specific to your computer, trial-ware software such as MS office and virtual coin games (that you usually end up deleting anyway) and one or two helpful programs such as on-screen volume/contrast display and software to make the touchpad on laptops function. It is recommended you download the latest drivers from your hardware manufacturer and burn them to a DVD prior to install.

The more useful OEM programs are also normally available for download from your computer manufacturer. As for the trialware, you would need to either buy the software or find alternatives. So these will work as well on machines like dell/hp-compaq/toshiba/acer/gateway/emachines/etc that originally came with win7 and will activate automatically upon installation w/o requiring the user to type in the COA on the laptop/desktop, thats good to know. For some reason, i thought only store purchased or microsoft downloaded OEM versions worked with said machines and would activate accordingly on its own and retail version didnt.

I required the oem version when installing original win7 home premium/professional x86/x64, depending if for personal or buiness use on a new hard drive when the original with factory restore partition went bad. EDIT: I currently own a win7 48in1 non SP1 dvd, i wonder if there is a SP1 version to be had, its much more convinient to have all on one disk, but what i do now is load the OS from a flash drive, its much faster. I've restored many win7 OEM machines, mostly if not all have been just the home premium version and using the COA can be trying at best when it comes to laptops. One complaint i personally have is that the manufactures put the sticker on the bottom side out in the open which tends to have the important info(version/serial) rubbed or torn off over time rendering it useless. The win7 48in1(oem) disk i own works best, because it reads the slick2.1 info from the manufactures BIOS telling it is win7, regardless of version and if its x86/x64 and activates it automatically w/o having to enter the individual serial number thats required.

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In the past i've always relied on the COA when installing the OS on a new hard drive, but again, the problem lays with the placement of the sticker on the laptop, if only ALL manufactures would put the sticker in the underside of the battery bay, that way its out of sight and the info never gets rubbed away or torn off, desktops doesnt suffer from that problem with their COA being mutilated unless removed on purpose for whatever reason. Came across an ACER netbook to restore(new hdd) that came with win7 starter originally and thought i'd test it by using the retail OS links from the first page. Sadly, it didnt preactivate like i thought it would, afterwards it showed i had three days to activate it, i thought the retail and oem disks were interchangeable when it came to manufacture machines, i guess its just applies to the serial numbers only.


Before the final install of the OS, it did ask for a serial number or given the choice to skip it to type in the serial at a later time, it did however automatically activate when an OEM disk was used, even though it did ask for a serial or to skip it as well towards the end of the install. As you can see, these are NOT preactivated disk and i prefer it that way, of course, for temporary testing purposes only, one could use a win7 loader or slic2.1 modify their non oem BIOSes, which is not for me, too risky for my taste. Again, since i restore original win7 oem machines, OEM disks are all i seek regardless of version or if 32bit or 64bit. Retail disks do me no good, unless theres a way to convert a retail disk to an oem disk, which im sure is highly unlikely. Preactivation comes from SLIC in the BIOS and only works for the version it is designed and only if the BIOS does in fact have SLIC. If the netbook is programmed with W7 Starter then none of the links in this thread will work without some modification because none of these links are W7 Starter. If you download the 32-bit version and then remove ei.cfg the updated ISO can be used to install W7 Starter.

If the BIOS has SLIC it would in all likelihood preactivate if you use the correct version but as I have said before, it is a good idea to use a tool like SIW to get the license code just in case it doesn't. So just to be clear, preactivation does not come from the disk, it comes from your BIOS. Use of a loader is an attempt to fake this preactivation in order to pirate the OS and is illegal and not recommended by w7forums.

I never tried it because i was just experimenting to see what the retail and oem disks would do on manufactured machines w/o having to type in a serial number. I did manage to finally create an WIN7 SP1 OEM 9in1 x86x64 AIO disk with integrated $OEM$ folder with the necessary files to look specifically for the SLIC2.1 bios to automatically activate original win7 machines, along with their respective logo and wallpaper according to brand, neat stuff. Thanks again for the all the helpful info provided, Trainableman! Hello everyone, I downloaded the ISO and have been running an experimental gaming build which is now something I want to keep around. So I would like to purchase a Genuine Microsoft Product Key so that I may activate. What is the easiest / most cost-efficient way to purchase one? I clicked to the 'purchase online' link during the activation process, but it seems to take me to a website which says 'download required Windows validation components'.


I'd prefer not to install anything else on my system that is not gaming-related - as I'd like to keep it as lean and bloat-free as possible. Please advise and thanks in advance! It's merely Validation software to help prevent piracy, it should be small and it should run once but it shouldn't stay memory resident so it's not like you will be out any RAM and very little hard drive space. But still, since you are in the USA, it will be much more expensive through Microsoft. Better to just order a copy from. Buy the same version you have installed 32 or 64-bit, Home Prem, Professional, Ultimate. It will come with a key and a DVD, simply activate using that key when it arrives.

To save money consider an OEM version, just understand that you support that version yourself and it can never be transferred to another computer.

After a lot of testing, downloads and thanks to a ELMS program from MS, I got a lot of.iso images and burned DVDs of Windows 7. I'm sure now I should have a least these:. RC Ultimate english 64. RTM Pro Es 64. RTM Pro es 32 How can I pick the right one to install now??

(I know, I have a mess on my external HD and I should label the disc after burning, but I didn't). I want to install the RTM Pro es 64 again. How do I know which one this is? PD: These are the ones that I think I have:.

Create Dvd Iso Image

GRC1CULXFRERESDVD. GRMCPRFRERESDVD PD2: What I really want to know is how can I see if those ISOs are x86 or x64?

Sounds to be like you have. Release Candidate of Ultimate, X64 64-bit edition. Final release, Professional edition X64 - 64-bit edition - Spanish. Final release, Professional edition X86 - 32-bit edition - Spanish As for seeing which one is x64 and which one is x86, I think that GRMCPRFRERESDVD is x86/32-bit and GRC1CULXFRERESDVD is x64/64-bit but you can confirm by opening the ISO in Winrar or another extraction program and take a look at autorun.inf - the top line of the x64 disk should be - AutoRun.Amd64.

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